
Ring of Fire and Serenity

For me, travel and photography opens the minds sky, allowing the viewer to experience a moment, or see things differently. Although I cannot predict how perspectives are impacted, I can only think that in the most extreme cases there is a provocation of change, which reminds me of a quote that hangs on my wall. “Change has considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. Obviously, then, one’s character and frame of mind determine how readily he brings about change and how he reacts to change that is imposed on him.”

A solar eclipse will take place on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 and will be visible from a narrow corridor through northern India, eastern Nepal, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, the northern tip of Myanmar, central China and the Pacific Ocean, including Ryukyu Islands, Marshall Islands and Kiribati. This solar eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the twenty-first century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

Although shortest in duration, the largest part of this dream assignment, is the ability to photograph the eclipse in China, with an additional six weeks of shooting dedicated to “the regions within the path of the Umbra” - Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, India, and Mongolia.

The people of many cultures from all parts of the globe have developed various myths and legends about eclipses. Many believe that an eclipse is an omen of some natural disaster or the death or downfall of a ruler. Another pervasive myth involves an invisible dragon or other demon that devours the Sun during an eclipse. Many cultures have also developed superstitions about how to counteract the effects of an eclipse. The Chinese would produce great noise and commotion (drumming, banging on pans, shooting arrows into the sky, and the like) to frighten away the dragon and restore daylight. In India people may immerse themselves in water up to their necks, believing this act of worship will help the Sun and Moon defend themselves against the dragon. In Japan, the custom is to cover wells during an eclipse to prevent poison from dropping into them from the darkened sky. And as recently as the last century, the Chinese Imperial Navy fired its ceremonial guns during an eclipse to scare off the invisible dragon.

While visiting these regions of the world, my challenge will be to focus on the story of the eclipse and the richness of culture, symbolism, and ceremony. As a child who had a deep love for astronomy, which never faded, I have longed believed that an eclipse is a symbol of rebirth. And this assignment brings me to parts of the world, which is steeped, in mystery while surrounded by growth. It is a region perhaps experiencing its own rebirth.

It is my goal to produce a body of work that connects a rare phenomenon, cultural experiences, and the innate raw fact that we are all human in our experience. Ultimately, my goal is to be able to translate experience and "touch" through the medium of photography.

It is not lost on me that I will shoot in China, a growing political economy, but I would also like to show the fragility that still exists. Ultimately, it is not the things we have, but the experience, the human experience, the experience of nature, and the forces of nature that are the strongest binders in our lives. It is my hope that this dream assignment and the images I produce, are able to convey that.

The ONLY way I can even get in front of the panel, is if I can motivate (harass) others to get online, register, and spend 5 minutes to vote. Some people have pointed out that the "dream assignment" people have made voting a little complicated - so here's some instructions...

1) Go to
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5) Enter "fire and serenity" in the search box OR type the following into the URL box
6) When you see my page: "Ring of Fire and Serenity" CLICK the YELLOW "pic it" icon to the left of my proposal title (Ring of Fire and Serenity)
7) Once your vote is logged - the number box will change (to a new number and the color will change from black to light yellow)
8) If you feel like it, read my proposal - or scroll down and leave a comment like "you rock" or "you owe me a cupcake"

Go vote (please, think vanilla cupcake)

Cost of 600 vanilla cupcakes: $1,194
Cost of making my dream a reality $ PEANUTS (I mean PRICELESS)