
Hard Candy

In case anyone needed some inspiration to go out and get some hard candy... I thought I would post this. Recognize that my writing has been a bit sporadic, but life has been a bit sporadic. Enjoy! Eventually, I'll get to my reviews of Murakami and Colbert.

Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
Can't get my head around, I need to think about it
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
Can't get my head around it, I need to think about it

Remembering the very first time
You caught that some ones' specials eye
And all of your care dropped
And all of the world just stopped

I hope
I want to go back to then
Got to figure out how, got to remember when
I felt it, it thrilled me
I want it, to fill me

Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
Can't get my head around, I need to think about it
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
Can't get my head around it, I need to think about it

You don't know what you got 'til it's gone
And everything in life just goes wrong
Feels like nobody's listening
And something is missing

I remember when
You were the one
You were my friend
You gave me life
You were the sun
You taught me things
I didn't run
I fell to my knees
I didn't know why
I started to breathe
I wanted to cry
I need a reminder
So I can relate
I need to go back there
Before it's too late

Let's finish what we started
You're welcome to my party

I don't want this to end
I am missing my best friend
It was incredible
There is no reason
Sex with you is...

Just finish what we started
You're welcome to my party
Don't want this thing to end
I'm missing my best friend
Yes it was incredible
There's no reason to pretend

It's time to get your body groving
It's time to get your hands up

It's incredible, unbelievable
It's incredible, unachievable
It's incredible, metaphysical
It's incredible

Other than the lyrics, and the fact that it's Madge - the beat is just so flippin' enjoyable. It's also written well, especially for a love song -it really covers all the bases. Falling in love and the happiness it brings. By contrast, there are aspects of the relationship breaking down, or the sadness of a love that has died. In typical Madonna fashion, it is also bawdy - indulging in the physical pleasure of love. Another really great track, co-written with Joe Henry, is "Devil Wouldn't Recognize You." I mention Joe Henry because he has actually been a "co" on my favorite songs from her last three albums. "Jump" from Confessions, and "Don't Tell Me" from Music. He's a well established musician in his own right (since ~1986) and he also happens to be Madge's brother in law - small world. You can check out his stuff on iTunes. I suppose I may be drawn to these tracks because lyrically, I am more drawn to artists like Joe Henry than "top 40" pop. Madge is the exception in my world, whereas folks like Amos Lee, Sia, and Brett Dennen are the rule.

I suppose I'm on a roll writing about music, so I'm going to take a left turn and mention Augustana. They recently released their latest album, and it's been playing non-stop on my iPod for the last two weeks. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the band name, you may have heard of their big hit, "Boston." On their last album, "All the Stars and Boulevards," Augustana was more of a rock band that had some pop elements. They had a mega hit, but a lot of their other material had a rough feeling to it. With the new album however, their sound has become that of slow builds and big pay offs.

Augustana are masterful song writers whether you are a fan or not. In terms of the music, tone, and mood the band has perfected the dynamic of their songs to get the emotional response desired. ‘Can’t Love, Can’t Hurt’ makes the band’s last outstanding album look like a handful of demo songs patched together. This really is an album that had the time it needed put into it and the production value it deserved.

Visit the band's site here to get their current tour info (quick note, their MySpace page seems to have more comprehensive tour info). Go to iTunes NOW to purchase the album - worth every penny!

Sweet and Low - from their latest album

Anywhere you go, anyone you meet
Remember that your eyes can be your enemies
I said hell is so close, and heavens out of reach,
But I ain't giving up quite yet,
I've got too much to lose,

Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, sweet and low and I will carry you home,
Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, and i'll carry you home,

The rain is gonna fall, the sun is gonna shine
The wind is gonna blow, the waters gonna rise
She said, when that day comes look into my eyes
But no ones giving up quite yet, we've got too much to lose,

Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, sweet and low and I will carry you home,
Hold me down, sweet and low little girl,
Hold me down,

And i'll carry you all the way
When you say you're fine
But you're still young and out of line,
When all I need's to turn around
To make it last, to make it count,
I ain't gonna make the same mistakes
That put my mama in her grave
I don't wanna be alone

Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, sweet and low and I will carry you home,
Hold me down, sweet and low little girl,
Hold me down