
Smoke and Mirrors

According to Hyperdictionary, the exacy meaning of deception is:

[n] an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
[n] the act of deceiving
[n] a misleading falsehood

Synonyms: conjuration, conjuring trick, deceit, deceit, dissembling, dissimulation, illusion, legerdemain, magic, magic trick, misrepresentation, trick

See Also: blind, bluff, card trick, cheat, cheating, chicanery, delusion, dissembling, double-dealing, duplicity, duplicity, equivocation, evasion, exaggeration, facade, fakery, false statement, falsehood, falsification, falsity, feigning, feigning, four flush, fraudulence, guile, half-truth, hanky panky, head game, hocus-pocus, impersonation, imposture, indirection, jiggery-pokery, magnification, misrepresentaation, obscurantism, overstatement, performance, prestidigitation, pretence, pretence, pretending, pretense, pretense, shenanigan, simulation, skulduggery, skullduggery, sleight of hand, slickness, snow job, subterfuge, trickery, trickery, untruth, wile, window dressing

Webster's 1913 Dictionary

Definition: \De*cep"tion\, n. [F. d['e]ception, L. deceptio, fr.
decipere, deceptum. See {Deceive}.]
1. The act of deceiving or misleading. --South.

2. The state of being deceived or misled.

There is one thing relating either to the action or
enjoyments of man in which he is not liable to
deception. --South.

3. That which deceives or is intended to deceive; false
representation; artifice; cheat; fraud.

There was of course room for vast deception.

Syn: {Deception}, {Deceit}, {Fraud}, {Imposition}.

Usage: Deception usually refers to the act, and deceit to the
habit of the mind; hence we speak of a person as
skilled in deception and addicted to deceit. The
practice of deceit springs altogether from design, and
that of the worst kind; but a deception does not
always imply aim and intention. It may be undesigned
or accidental. An imposition is an act of deception
practiced upon some one to his annoyance or injury; a
fraud implies the use of stratagem, with a view to
some unlawful gain or advantage.

Why do people feel the need to deceive? Deception is too easy. Lying and cheating is common and happens with little regard to feelings or consequences.


Strange how some moments can slice through space leaving the air bleeding and reminiscent of scars. We pretend the sudden deluge is rain. We carefully wipe away each tear as though it were a droplet from the sky, once sunny, now filled with clouds - seemingly from nowhere. Immerse our faces into the water so no one is able to know the source of the rivers flowing down the contours of our cheeks.

Stop. Shift slightly so the sun sets slow on something soft. Set sentences soundlessly on silk surfaces. Set words descending like silent silhouettes in the sand. Make everything silent, because that's all there is. Silence.

When there are words, they pile erratically. Forming incoherent sentences that only my heart with its irregular heartbeat can comprehend.

I remain still while thoughts linger on empty pages once filled with the promise of a butterfly's wing. But the beautiful words that might have flown now lay deteriorated, crushed in my attempt to pin them to the page.

Reaching the end of an empty book. There never was any intent to write anything there. Lost within my own magic show of light, colors, and hope. The inkwell wrote invisibly and I thought that I could see. Life is fragile and so are we.