"Gentle breezes” is a phrase that keeps repeating in the back of my mind. I feel the need to repeat this in a time when it seems like everything has meaning. When the world becomes manic.
Bioluminescence, it’s like the first time I saw a firefly. Life is so full of wonder. Your life is so full of wondrous treasures and beauty, you just have to be open enough to see it. And, I don’t mean “see” in the conventional sense, but in the sense of the heart…in the sense of intangibility that is quite simply felt and seen through the minds sky.

The world is full of Fire Flies. The world in it's infinite being casts a glow if you stop to see it, pause long enough to be mesmerized by it. Bioluminescence abounds in faint and overt ways. Life can be still, so long as you allow yourself to live within the moment and not around it. Life lives and breathes within and throughout us. A primal feeling of polarity streams through my veins of inner consciousness whenever I stop to think about it. Whenever I feel that fundamental need to feel that energy. Whenever I feel the need to know that inevitably we are all one with each other. Life is such an intricate circle of balances.
It doesn’t really matter how esoteric your thinking or how metaphysical you desire your world to be. The fact remains that to survive in this life, you must play the game. You must work, you must socialize, you must interact, you must suffer, experience pain, and deal with the world around you. For some people, there also exists a separate and distinct challenge, the spiritual growth of the mind. A way of viewing the world in a way that you are completely removed and life’s events become completely inconsequential except for the search for some grain of truth, a lesson, or some deeper meaning. This is what gets me through the rough times in my life. It’s what makes me feel that there is some reason for suffering. It makes me even more grateful for what’s good in my life.
Buddhists believe that all life is suffering, one lesson...the opportunity to stifle or continue growing. It is my hope that I've only continued to grow despite anything that has crossed my path. I guess perhaps I am beginning to learn that perhaps I’m not as afraid of pain as I once thought I was. Each of us have experienced deep pain, perhaps there is something to be gained in not protecting anything and simply being free. What will happen will be.
As Goethe once wrote, “Nothing is more important than this day.”