

One by one, as life moves forward, one by one - people walk out the door. One by one, as life moves forward, watch the door to see the backs, as single file, one by one, people - things - moments, walk out like phantoms, like ghosts. Nothing is ever what it once was. Nothing is the way it was before. You move forward, you turn your gaze toward light beaming through a window pane. As ghosts have their procession, away, no longer to be with you - there is comfort in the light. So as all goes away, slowly - painfully, as you feel your heart tear, you are still able to find the light and move forward. One step, two steps - three. Find your balance and a different door. Life moves forward, there is something else, someone else, waiting for you. Waiting for you to stay and not walk out that door. You will find that place, find that space, and give all you have - to remain...forever.