
Love Your Mother

I remember my first Earth Day when I was about 11. Tom Cruise spoke at the National Mall - about tuna and the fishing industry. I collected as many pamphlets as I could and those pamphlets became the wallpaper of my bedroom (to my parents dismay). Not soon after, I became a tree-hugging vegetarian, started my own neighborhood recycling program, and wrote a short story called "The Day the Sun Died" - which essentially described madre tierra getting even with the bad polluting, resource gouging species of man. I can honestly say, I never went the Greenpeace route (although I did work as a grassroots campaigner for US PIRG, yes - I was a field manager). I was a vegetarian for about ten years (but rarely eat meat now anyway). If anything I am simply conscious of my choices, vote with my pocketbook (by choosing where to shop and what to buy), and don't try to evangelize everyone to being green (although non-recycling is a pet peave - you MUST recycle and you MUST dispose of "bad" waste responsibly). If anything, my concern for our biosphere and it's inhabitants (including us) has morphed into an interest in sustainable development and teaching as a volunteer. So, you might not have a tree-hugging past, but in celebration of planet Earth, take a few moments to find ways to simply live more sustainably.

A video featuring one of my heroes - Dr. Jeffrey Sachs

You can watch the entire conference by clicking here

Earth Day 2009, April 22, will mark the beginning of The Green Generation Campaign which will also be the focus of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day in 2010. With negotiations for a new global climate agreement coming up in December, Earth Day 2009 must be a day of action and civic participation, to defend The Green GenerationTM’s core principles:

1) A carbon-free future based on renewable energy that will end our common dependency on fossil fuels, including coal.
2) An individual’s commitment to responsible, sustainable consumption.
3) Creation of a new green economy that lifts people out of poverty by creating millions of quality green jobs and transforms the global education system into a green one.

Quick Trivia about Earth Day
Earth Day, celebrated April 22, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It is held annually during both spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in 1970 and is celebrated in many countries every year.

The United Nations celebrates an Earth Day each year on the March equinox, a tradition which was founded by peace activist John McConnell in 1969.

Learn how to be GREEN by visiting these sites:
Ocean's Alive - a resource for responsible eating (from the deep blue sea)
The Green Guide, National Geographic's source for greening your life
Learn about sustainability at Colombia University's Earth Institute
How to go Green - Treehugger
Be an Eco-traveler! Resources can be found here
A cute site for children (and fun for "big" kids) may be found here
Got2BeGreen - Discover The Future of Green
Good To Be Green - Your Guide to Green Building Products and Professionals
Green Building Resource Guide

Back in November, the Today Show No hosts took fascinating journeys to the Ends of the Earth.