
Dream Assignment - GO TEAM!

I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. When I first started this, I had no idea what I was getting into - or the amount of commitment and work that would be involved. SO THANKS!!! This isn't a personal achievement, but EVERYONE'S - GO TEAM!

Some special thanks are in order:
= My brother Tony, who is the architect of Pinxit Luc
= Laurie, Amy, and Darryl in LA who campaigned and worked every day this week to host voting parties and secure an amazing number of votes.
= Ionna was my virtual campaign manager on Facebook and MySpace, and kept checking those numbers and motivating voters.
= My co-workers at the agency and fellow docents for their support and kind comments.
= Eyebar for generously allowing me to set up voting stations on Friday and Saturday nights. (I would also like to thank Christina at Shadow Room for generously offering their venue as well, the voting ended one week too soon to arrange an event).
= Josie and Ballston Animal Hospital for their votes and support.
= Andre, Kim, Scuba, Raj, Todd, Felix, Nadia, Judy - you each did little things in this process that made my heart smile (and get votes ;)

To ALL your vote and your comments have been an enabler for this ENTIRE process. I am a product of my environment, which includes YOU. So really, anything I succeed in is due to the fact that I have some pretty stellar people in my life, who stick by - cheer me on, get in the trenches, and are supportive. Although things like this start with a dream, hope is my flame - but YOU are my oxygen to keep that fire alive.

now, it's up to the judges ;)