
Happy New Year

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The last few days, my co-workers and I have reflected on the journey of the last 365 days (and then some). For instance this time 10 years ago, Hannah, was in middle school (yikes) - and I was buckled down in Winston-Salem, NC (of all places), opening a new Chuck E. Cheese (I was the regional trainer, building new units). The last ten years have been quite a journey - the next ten, well the only thing I am certain of is the fact that a time capsule with my bio/pic and signed folio buried by W Aloft (long story) will be taken out (wink, wink Carla - Kelcey - and Dani), and I am hoping I have accomplished SOMETHING by then ;) I am sure Alain will be the the Dom of the night scene, Ken will be Madge's back-up dancer, Nadia will have updated the IMF's way of doing business (wink), Tom will be the cyber czar, Misook will be on the cover of fitness, Felix will be the mayor, Charis will be editor of Elle decor, Kim will publish a poetry book, Aaron will have biked from DC to LA (ha), Anthony will be a Salsa instructor on dancing with the stars...I can think of something for all the people in my life, I am up for suggestions please (they will dig that capsule up and say "who the hell?!"). I digress...

Three hundred and sixty five days, so what does this represent? Well…it represents the sum of days in a year, and for me, in retrospect, the period from one year to the present is pretty staggering. It's almost clichĂ© to say, "Time goes by so quickly." But, time certainly passes by quickly and what you do with those seconds, days, and hours, matters – because time is irrecoverable. Do more good, make things count, just make it last. I have to say that one of the more impressionable bits of wisdom shared with me this past year is to try to experience everything as though it were the first time and savor it as though it might be the last. This, more than anything, has stuck with me, and moments actually feel better because I am more present. It has taken practice and focus, but this simple notion has brought a bit of clarity and joy with such simplicity. In 2008, there were many roller coaster moments, but I had some pretty impressive memories and moments that I never would have imagined for myself this year.

In addition to some good journeys (not nearly as much as previos years - my passport is feeling ill), I also had the opportunity to welcome some exceptional new people into my life. I have always found it odd how certain people randomly appear in our lives at unexpected times, in unexpected ways. I can only say that more than being able to see the world – I am enormously blessed to have met and come to know and continue knowing such caring and wonderful people. I know you come into and leave this life alone, but ultimately life is a journey, which is meant to be shared. The moments between those two points are what matter most.

First, I wanted to say how overwhelmingly fortunate I am to be surrounded by people from all walks of life who bless me with their presence in my life. I am often reminded of how much we all have going on - but how important it is to "reach out" every so often. Not to sound metaphysical, but everyone I have known has had a degree of impact on my life - whether it was to put a smile on my face, give me perspective, or be my anchor in the really tough times. In many ways, these messages in a bottle floating across the Internet are simply a way to tether and connect me to the people that I believe are quite special, for a variety of reasons.

As far as a good quote for the new year, Ralph Waldo Emmerson once offered words on the measure of success, but I believe these are simply great words to live by.

"To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived..."

Have a safe and wonderful new year.

Peace and much love,